Introduce EICC 

In 2014.10 HP, DELL, IBM joint announcement for Electronic Industry Code of Conduct (EICC). The purpose is to make social responsibility standard in the global electronic industry supply chain. The norms are form with series of basic rules, including labors and recruitment, occupational health and safety, environmental responsibility, control system, moralities, etc. Cisco, Intel, Microsoft also join the EICC, and became the working team for the supply chain, to follow out the EICC execution plan, expect the EICC supplier can comply with the minimum moral standards. Because it can cut down the second, third-party audits, makes the electronics industry can decrease their cost, for this reason, the EICC with universal acceptance for the electronics industry, also became the choosing point as supply. The EICC is a set of standards on social, environmental and ethical issues in the electronics industry supply chain, the conduct contains provisions in the follow areas:

Labor - Freely chosen employment, young workers, working hours, wages and benefits, humane treatment, non-discrimination and sexual harassment, freedom of association, abolish child labor.

Health and safety Occupational safety, emergency preparedness, occupational injury and illness, industrial hygiene, physically demanding work, machine safeguarding, sanitation food and housing, health and safety communication. 

Environmental Environmental permits and reporting, pollution prevention and resource reduction, hazardous substances, wastewater and solid waste, air emissions, materials restrictions, storm water management, energy consumption greenhouse gas emissions.

Ethics Business integrity, no improper advantage, disclosure of information, intellectual property, fair business, advertising and competition, protection of identity and non- retaliation, responsible sourcing of minerals, privacy.

Management system Company commitment, management accountability and responsibility, legal and customer requirements, risk assessment and risk management, improvement objectives, training, communication, worker feedback and participation, audits and assessments, corrective action process, documentation and records, supplier responsibility.




EICC - Policy


Human rights policy of labors

LiPOLY will notify our employee about their human rights, including the basic laws and regulations, freely chosen employment, humane treatment, non-discrimination and sexual harassment. We established effective multi-communicate mechanism, wages and benefits. We offer multi-training opportunity, eliminate forced labor to promote the freely chosen employment.

In accordance with Labor Standards Act, the employer is abolish for hiring under fifteen child labors, also support the physical and psychological well- being of minor labor, and shall make sure the work is out of danger. LiPOLYs policy has abolish child labors, support the physical and psychological well- being of minor labor, to make sure the work is out of danger. For the employees, we provide annual training and notify by companys website and internal email, to make sure our employees are fully understand the contents and the spirit of the EICC policy.


Ethics policy

LiPOLYs employees is forbidden to any illegal business activity, and shall avoiding conflict of interest, forbidding to accepted personal commission, rebate or any benefits inappropriate in anyway.


Environmental health and safety policy

LiPOLY keep promotion our environmental management, committed to providing healthy and good work environment for our employees. Our environmental management system, we qualify for international verification ISO14001. Respond to EU RoHS, we qualify for international verification IECQ QC080000. We provide healthy and high quality environment, practice the environmental and safety idea, achieving sustainable development, also has investigated and established the Greenhouse Gas (GHG).


Sourcing Policy for Conflict Mineral

Conflict metal: Tin(Sn), tantalum(Ta), tungsten(W), gold(Au). The minerals from refion of Democratic Republic of the Congo. These minerals has control by the Democratic Republic of Congos revenue, the illegal mining is infringement of human rights.

LiPOLY commit all materials is not form the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the surrounding country, or any armed forces area.

 We also request our suppliers sign Confoict minerals reporting template (CMRT),Declaration of Metal Conflict-Free, Letter of commitment of supplier for EICC, make sure our source is qualify for customer requests and laws and regulations.


HSF policy

LiPOLY act on promotion of green purchasing policy, environmental protection, comply with the required of customers and laws and regulations and keep improvement.


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