SH3000 High Insulator Thermal Conductive Pad

•Thermal conductivity: 3.0W/m*K
•Good insulator 
•Use in screw mounted 
•Hig performance film
•Fiberglass reinforced

LiPOLY SH3000 used fiberglass cloth as the reinforcement material, to combine with thermal conductive silicon, makes it has high thermal conduction and great compression strength. The thermal conductivity is 3.0 W/m*K, the thickness is 0.23~0.35mm. It’s high insulation, and the fiberglass material increase the strength of structure makes it cut resistant, and It’s the best choice for high torque force of screw setting. It’s suitable to setting between the electrical isolative of high power electronic component, and the heat sink. The product is qualified for UL.

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